Calories at the wrong stop.
Apr 05, 2023
When it comes to processed food, what we don’t often consider is the amount of sugar in processed foods like; meat, fish, dairy, sauces, salty snacks etc. It is there for the same reason, it is in cake and soft drinks, it feels good and its addictive.
Two problems (and there are others) is processed foods are not only high in sugar but are also low in fibre. Stripping the fibre gives it a better use by date. The price we pay - the fructose in the sugar causes metabolic damage. The lack of fibre causes inflammation. Now you have a real problem that is leading to diseases that cannot be fixed.
The problem with eating processed food is the calories get off the ‘train’ early and end up in the wrong place – the liver, that is not good. With real food, the fibre prevents this happening and the calories go to the gut and are consumed by a community of microorganisms. And nature is in balance.
We didn’t even get to consider the additives, oil and all the other things that I find hard to understand when it comes to labels in processed food.
This is my 90 second summary for my inner 8 year old to the following lecture The Subcellular Processes That Belie All Chronic Disease. The Hateful (or Grateful) Eight given by Dr Robert Lustig
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